1. Choose your product(s)
      Click on ‘Order Now’ to browse and select the menu items you would like order.
    2. Check Out
      If you have a registered account, please login accordingly with your credentials. If you do not have a registered account, you may choose to sign up for one, or proceed to check out as a guest.
    3. Only self-collect option available
      Select the date and time, and complete the form for your self-collect arrangements. Click ‘Confirm’ and ‘Check Out’.
    4. Make Your Payment
      Enter your payment details to complete the transaction. Once the transaction is complete, you will be directed to a page with a message that reads “Thank you. Your purchase has been successful.
    1. I have tried to order using my debit and credit cards but neither work. Why is this?
      Please contact your bank or contact us at (+60) 16-832 2972 for alternative payment.
    2. My card has been declined.
      Please contact your bank.
    3. I didn't get a confirmation email for my order. Why is that?
      Please contact us at (+60) 16-832 2972 or email [email protected] (Monday to Sunday, 10am to 9pm).
    4. Part of my order is missing.
      Please contact us at (+60) 16-832 2972 or email [email protected] (Monday to Sunday, 10am to 9pm).
    5. Where is the location for self-collect items?
      Self-pick-up locations: Main Lobby, Shangri-La’s Tanjung Aru for Borneo Express orders
    6. I'm having trouble viewing the website.
      If you are experiencing difficulty viewing the site on your web browser, you should update to the most recent version of Chrome for the best viewing experience.
    7. What are the hygiene standards practiced by the restaurant/resort?
      • Shangri-La’s Tanjung Aru Resort & Spa is certified ISO 22000-compliant by Lloyd’s Quality Assurance Limited.
      • The Resort adheres to the Shangri-La Food Safety Management System (SFS) requirements by ISO 22000:2018 and food safety regulations by Singapore Food Agency (SFA) to ensure the highest level of standards in food sanitation.
      • The Resort is audited yearly to ensure conformance to the SFS and ISO 22000 requirements, and compliance with SFA food safety regulations.
      • The resort's restaurant outlet is Halal certified by Jabatan Kemajuan Islam Malaysia (JAKIM).
      • BV Safeguard label was awarded to the hotel following an independent audit and verification of hotel’s compliance to rigorous cleanliness, hygiene and social distancing protocols that meet international and local standards.
      • The Resort has a dedicated team to ensure food safety requirements are implemented and kept up-to-date.
      • All steps in the food operation process are addressed; from the supply chain and selection of ingredients, through to the serving of the food to our guests.
      • All food handlers are required to complete SFS trainings with annual tests. It is also compulsory for them to perform annual medical health screenings.

@ Shangri-La International Hotel Management Ltd.